§ 4-11.4. Development Standards.  

Latest version.
  • (A)

    Maximum Number of Lots/Dwelling Units:


    Base Calculation: The maximum number of lots/dwelling units shall be determined as follows:


    Calculate the gross acreage of the tract, excluding any existing street right-of-way;


    Subtract three-fourths (¾) of the area of any drainageways and/or open space required to dedicated under Section 5-13.7(C)2;


    Multiply by one (1), add credit units allowed under subsection 2), 3) and 4) below, and round the result up.


    Open Space Credit: For every five (5) acres designated as open space in excess of the area required under Section 4-11.4(M)(1), one (1) lot/dwelling unit may be added to the maximum number allowed under Section 4-11.4(A)(1).


    Sidewalk/Trail Network Credit: If public access to the Sidewalk/Trail Network is granted via a public access easement identified on the Sketch Plan, Unified Development Plan, and subdivision plat two (2) residential lots/dwelling units may be added to the maximum number allowed under Section 4-11.4(A)(1).


    Walkability Credit: If seventy-five (75%) percent of the dwelling units are located within one-fourth (¼) mile of all office or commercial buildings three (3) residential lots/dwelling units may be added to the maximum number allowed under Section 4-11.4(A)(1).


    Single Family Detached Dwelling Dimensional Requirements: The dimensional requirements for lots and dwellings shall at a minimum meet the following standards:


    Minimum Lot Size: 5,000 square feet;


    Minimum Width: Interior Lot—50 feet, Corner Lot—70 feet;


    Minimum Street Frontage: 30 feet;


    Minimum Front Local or Collector Street Setback: 20 feet;

    Minimum Front Major or Minor Thoroughfare Street Setback: 40 feet;


    Minimum Side Local or Collector Street Setback: 15 feet;

    Minimum Side Major or Minor Thoroughfare Street Setback: 40 feet.


    Minimum Interior Setback: Side—5 feet, Rear—15 feet


    Single Family Attached and Multi-Family Dwelling Dimensional Requirements: The location and placement for all principal buildings shall meet the standards found in Section 4-4.2(C) (Additional Multifamily Developments/Yard Space Triangles) and the minimum setbacks listed below:


    Minimum Building Local or Collector Street Setback: 10 feet;

    Minimum Building Major or Minor Thoroughfare Street Setback: 40 feet;


    Minimum Building Interior Setback—Side: 10 feet;


    Minimum Building Interior Setback—Rear: 25 feet;


    No structure of any type which is in excess of thirty-five (35) feet in height shall be erected within fifty (50) feet of an existing single family zoning district.


    Non-residential and Recreational Building and Structure Dimensional Requirements:


    The location and placement for all principal buildings and structures shall meet the standards found in Table 4-4-5 for the NB or LB districts.


    No structure of any type which is in excess of thirty-five (35) feet in height shall be erected within fifty (50) feet of an existing single family zoning district.


    Accessory Building and Structure Dimensional Requirements: The location and placement of all accessory buildings and structures shall conform to the requirements of Section 4-5.




    Areas between structures shall be covered by easements where necessary to preserve access and to provide for maintenance and utility service;


    Primary vehicular access to commercial or office development shall not be through intervening residential development; and


    No single family detached lots shall have access to thoroughfares or Scenic Corridors unless the lot has a minimum street frontage and lot width of three hundred (300) feet and a minimum lot size of three (3) acres.


    Office and Commercial Areas:


    Office and commercial areas within the RPD shall be arranged to:


    Separate pedestrian and vehicular traffic such that pedestrians can safely walk between stores within a development and from parking areas to stores; and


    Promote pedestrian access from adjacent residential and office areas into commercial areas.


    Office and commercial uses in the RPD shall be located on, shall face, and only have access to an internal local or collector street in the development;


    No more than ten (10%) percent of the total land area in the RPD may be occupied by or used for office and commercial purposes;


    Dwelling units may be and are encouraged to be integrated into office and commercial buildings; and


    The architectural style of office and commercial buildings shall be similar to or compatible with the style of the residential buildings planned for the development or those in the vicinity. This can be achieved through the size and scale of the building and limiting the building exteriors to brick, stone, wood or other materials consistent with the development.


    Street Design:


    Local Streets: Local streets within the development shall be located and designed to enhance the local street network and adopted thoroughfare/collector/local street plans and provide reasonable and efficient access and connections designed to reduce travel time within and through the development. Connections to existing public streets and rights of way are required. Connecting or through streets shall be public streets. Cul-de-sacs, dead-ends and other nonconnecting street may be private streets.


    Collector and Thoroughfare Streets: The Technical Review Committee may require a collector or thoroughfare street through the development in response to anticipated traffic generated by the development and consistency with the Thoroughfare Plan. Collector and thoroughfare streets shall be public streets.


    The internal street network shall be integrated as part of the Pedestrian and Bikeway Trail Network required in Section 4-11.4(N).




    The size, height, setback, location, design, illumination and number of signs shall be specified in the Unified Development Plan.


    All signs shall use a coordinated color, style and lettering scheme.


    Street signs not installed by the Jurisdiction must be approved by the Technical Review Committee and shall contain reflective lettering.


    Parking: Off-street parking for each use in the development shall be provided in accordance with the standards set forth in this Ordinance for the same use or uses of similar intensity. The minimum number of parking spaces may be reduced by twenty-five (25%) percent for non-residential uses if the Unified Development Plan provides convenient pedestrian and/or bicycle access among uses.


    Environmentally Sensitive Areas: The development shall be designed to limit disturbance in the following areas:


    Land within a floodway or floodway fringe;


    Wetlands and steep slopes;


    Ground water recharge areas;


    Critical ecological areas including mature tree stands, wildlife habitats, and migration corridors,

    except for road crossings, utilities, erosion control and watershed protection devices, and recreational facilities.


    Rural Character Preservation Areas: The development shall incorporate and be designed to preserve the following areas:


    Active pasture land;


    Farm house or "home place," farm structures, and other historical structure or archaeological areas;


    Wood post fences, stone rows and tree lines; and


    Farm roads.

    Areas identified to preserve rural character maybe included as open space under provisions found in Section 4-1.4(M) or included in a lot or lots provided that the area(s) or structure(s) are identified on the Sketch and Unified Development Plan (and protected through zoning conditions). The location of farm roads should be used as driveway access to dwelling units or as street access into the development, where feasible.


    Open Space:


    A minimum of fifty (50) percent of the gross land area, less open space credits and excluding existing street right-of-way shall be open space as defined below.


    In a RPD, qualifying open space shall be that land:


    dedicated to the public for parkland, open space, and/or drainageway;


    placed under the control of a land trust or conservancy;


    designated for agricultural use only;


    designated by the development plan as Common Area for the use, benefit, and enjoyment of all residents of the development;


    Special Purpose Lots designated for Off-site Sewage Treatment, Community Well recharge areas and Community Sewage Treatment; or


    Open Space Credits: The Sidewalk/Trail Network area shall be calculated by multiplying linear feet by twenty (20) feet. Every acre or portion thereof provided in sidewalk/trail network shall be deducted from the total minimum fifty (50%) percent open space requirement. (e.g. A one hundred (100) acre site providing one (1) mile [2.42 acres] of trail would reduce the minimum open space requirement from fifty (50) acres to forty-seven and six-tenths (47.6 acres.)


    To qualify as open space, land shall be useable for sewage treatment, recreation purposes, provide visual, aesthetic, or environmental amenities, or be agriculturally productive land, and may not be occupied by street rights-of-way, drives, parking areas or structures, other than recreational structures and those associated with community well or sewage systems.


    Land within a floodway, floodway fringe zone, or bodies of water greater than one (1) acre in size may be used to provide not more than fifty (50%) percent of the open space required in development. Other areas required to be dedicated under Section 5-13.7(C)(2) and right-of-ways for the Trail Network shall count fully toward the open space requirement.


    All open space not containing planned improvements shall be transferred to the land conservation/trust, owners association, or dedicated as open space with the recordation of the first phase of the development. Open space containing planned improvements shall be provided within each phase of the planned unit development in sufficient amounts to serve the expected population of that phase or the gross land area devoted to nonresidential land uses.


    Land designated for agricultural use only maybe held in private ownership or by an owner's association.


    Sidewalk and Trail Network:


    Location and Purpose: The development shall provide a pedestrian/bikeway trail network linking:


    Residential areas to the open space, recreation facilities, and non-residential areas within the development; and


    The development to existing or proposed trails, those shown on an adopted land use plan, trails.


    Design Standards: The trail network shall be contained within a public or private right-of-way a minimum of twenty (20) feet in width. The trail network shall consist of a public paved sidewalk or a private all-weather walkway. The width of the travelway shall be a minimum of five (5) feet. When the trail is adjacent to or parallel to a public or private street it shall be separated from the edge of pavement a minimum of six (6) feet. The walkway maybe located within a public street right-of-way subject to the approval of the Jurisdiction maintaining the public street.


    Maintenance: Maintenance of the trail network shall be the responsibility of a Owners Association for all trails located outside public street right-of-way. Trails located within public street right-of-way may be maintained by the Jurisdiction maintaining the public street, subject to the Jurisdiction's approval. If the Jurisdiction will not assume maintenance, the Owners Association shall be responsible for maintenance.


    Utilities: Water, sewer, electrical, gas, television and telephone utilities shall be installed in accordance with Section 5-13.6. Community Wells and Sewage Treatment systems are permitted and encouraged in the RPD. The approval process for Community Wells and Sewage Treatment systems shall follow the procedures found in Article V. The areas designated for Community Wells and Sewage Treatment systems shall be indicated on the Sketch Plan and Unified Development Plan.