§ 4-2.1. General Use Districts.  

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  • (A)


    AG AGRICULTURAL DISTRICT. The AG, Agricultural District, is primarily intended to accommodate uses of an agricultural nature, including farm residences and farm tenant housing. It also accommodates scattered non-farm residences on large tracts of land. It is not intended for major residential subdivisions. The district is established for the following purposes:


    To preserve and encourage the continued use of land for agricultural, forest and open space purposes;


    To discourage scattered commercial and industrial land uses;


    To concentrate urban development in and around area growth centers, thereby avoiding premature conversion of farmland to urban uses;


    To discourage any use which, because of its character, would create premature or extraordinary public infrastructure and service demands.


    Single-Family Residential: In the following districts the number refers to the minimum lot size in thousands of square feet.


    RS-40 RESIDENTIAL SINGLE-FAMILY DISTRICT. The RS-40, Residential Single-Family District is primarily intended to accommodate single-family detached dwellings on large lots in areas without access to public water and wastewater services. The district is established to promote single-family detached residences where environmental features, public service capacities or soil characteristics necessitate very low density single-family development. The overall gross density in RS-40 areas will typically be 1.0 unit per acre or less.


    RS-30 RESIDENTIAL SINGLE-FAMILY DISTRICT. The RS-30, Residential Single-Family District is primarily intended to accommodate low density single-family detached dwellings on large lots in areas without access to public water and wastewater services. The overall gross density in RS-30 areas will typically be 1.3 units per acre or less.

    The following districts require public sewer service:


    RS-20 RESIDENTIAL SINGLE-FAMILY DISTRICT. The RS-20, Residential Single-Family District is primarily intended to accommodate low to moderate density single-family detached dwellings in suburban areas at an overall maximum density of 1.9 units per acre.

    The following districts require public water and sewer service:


    RS-15 RESIDENTIAL SINGLE-FAMILY DISTRICT. The RS-15, Residential Single-Family District is primarily intended to accommodate moderate density single-family detached dwellings in suburban areas at a maximum overall density of 2.5 units per acre.


    RS-12 RESIDENTIAL SINGLE-FAMILY DISTRICT. The RS-12, Residential Single-Family District is primarily intended to accommodate moderate density single-family detached dwellings in suburban or urban areas at a maximum overall density of 3.0 units per acre.


    RS-9 RESIDENTIAL SINGLE-FAMILY DISTRICT. The RS-9, Residential Single-Family District is primarily intended to accommodate moderate to high density single-family detached dwellings in urban areas with a maximum overall density of 4.0 units per acre.


    RS-7 RESIDENTIAL SINGLE-FAMILY DISTRICT. The RS-7, Residential Single-Family District is primarily intended to accommodate high density single-family detached dwellings in urban areas at a maximum overall density of 5.0 units per acre.


    RS-5 RESIDENTIAL SINGLE-FAMILY DISTRICT. The RS-5, Residential Single-Family District is primarily intended to accommodate high density single-family detached dwellings in urban areas at a maximum overall density of 7.0 units per acre.


    Multi-Family Residential: In the following districts the number refers to dwelling units per gross acre. Public water and sewer service is required in all districts.


    RM-5 RESIDENTIAL MULTI-FAMILY DISTRICT. The RM-5, Residential Multi-Family District is primarily intended to accommodate duplexes, twin-homes, townhouses, cluster housing and similar residential uses at a maximum overall density of 5.0 units per acre.


    RM-8 RESIDENTIAL MULTI-FAMILY DISTRICT. The RM-8, Residential Multi-Family District is primarily intended to accommodate duplexes, twin-homes, townhouses, cluster housing and similar residential uses at a maximum overall density of 8.0 units per acre.


    RM-12 RESIDENTIAL MULTI-FAMILY DISTRICT. The RM-12, Residential Multi-Family District is primarily intended to accommodate multi-family uses at a maximum overall density of 12.0 units per acre.


    RM-18 RESIDENTIAL MULTI-FAMILY DISTRICT. The RM-18, Residential Multi-Family District is primarily intended to accommodate multi-family uses at a maximum overall density of 18.0 units per acre.


    RM-26 RESIDENTIAL MULTI-FAMILY DISTRICT. The RM-26, Residential Multi-Family District is primarily intended to accommodate multi-family uses at a maximum overall density of 26.0 units per acre.


    Office, Commercial, and Industrial:


    LO LIMITED OFFICE DISTRICT. The LO, Limited Office District is primarily intended to accommodate low intensity medical, professional, administrative and government office uses on small to mid-sized sites near residential areas.


    GO-M GENERAL OFFICE MODERATE INTENSITY. The GO-M, General Office Moderate Intensity District is primarily intended to accommodate moderate intensity office and institutional uses, moderate density residential uses at a maximum of 12.0 units per acre, and supporting service and retail uses.


    GO-H GENERAL OFFICE HIGH INTENSITY. The GO-H, General Office High Intensity District is primarily intended to accommodate high intensity office and institutional uses, high density residential uses at a maximum of 26.0 units per acre, and supporting service and retail uses.


    NB NEIGHBORHOOD BUSINESS DISTRICT. The NB, Neighborhood Business District is primarily intended to accommodate very low intensity office, retail and personal service uses within residential areas. The district is established to provide convenient locations for businesses which serve the needs of surrounding residents without disrupting the character of the neighborhood. It is not intended to accommodate retail uses which primarily attract passing motorists. Compatibility with nearby residences is reflected in design standards for both site layout and buildings.


    LB LIMITED BUSINESS DISTRICT. The LB, Limited Business District is primarily intended to accommodate moderate intensity shopping and services close to residential areas. The district is established to provide locations for businesses which serve nearby neighborhoods. The district is typically located near the intersection of collectors or thoroughfares in areas which are otherwise developed with residences.


    GB GENERAL BUSINESS DISTRICT. The GB, General Business District is primarily intended to accommodate a wide range of retail, service and office uses. The district is typically located along thoroughfares in areas which have developed with minimal front setbacks.


    HB HIGHWAY BUSINESS DISTRICT. The HB, Highway Business District is primarily intended to accommodate those retail service and distributive uses which are typically located along thoroughfares. The district is established to provide locations for establishments which require high visibility and good road access, or which cater primarily to passing motorists. Developments in this district generally have substantial front setbacks.


    SC SHOPPING CENTER DISTRICT. The SC, Shopping Center District is primarily intended to accommodate a wide range of high intensity retail and service developments meeting the shopping needs of the community and the region. The district is established on large sites to provide locations for major developments which contain multiple uses, shared parking and drives, coordinated signage and high-quality landscaping.


    CP CORPORATE PARK DISTRICT. The CP, Corporate Park District is primarily intended to accommodate office, warehouse, research and development and assembly uses on large sites in a planned, campus-like setting compatible with adjacent residential uses. The district may also contain retail and service uses which customarily locate within planned employment centers.


    LI LIGHT INDUSTRIAL DISTRICT. The LI, Light Industrial District is primarily intended to accommodate limited manufacturing, wholesaling, warehousing, research and development and related commercial/service activities which, in their normal operations, have little or no adverse effect upon adjoining properties.


    HI HEAVY INDUSTRIAL DISTRICT. The HI, Heavy Industrial District is primarily intended to accommodate a wide range of assembling, fabricating and manufacturing activities. The district is established for the purpose of providing appropriate locations and development regulations for uses which may have significant environmental impacts or require special measures to ensure compatibility with adjoining properties.


    Public and Institutional:

    PI PUBLIC AND INSTITUTIONAL DISTRICT. The PI, Public and Institutional District is intended to accommodate mid-and large-sized public, semi-public and institutional uses which have a substantial land use impact or traffic generation potential. It is not intended for smaller public and institutional uses customarily found within residential areas.


    Rural Preservation:

    RPD RURAL PRESERVATION DISTRICT. The RP, Rural Preservation District is intended to accommodate rural developments designed to preserve rural character, significant man-made features, and environmentally sensitive areas. The district permits open space, recreational, agricultural, residential, and limited neighborhood business and office uses that are part of a unified design.