§ 4-4.1. Agricultural and Single-Family Districts.  

Latest version.
  • (A)

    Dimensional Requirements for Agricultural and Single-Family Districts: Dimensional Requirements for Agricultural and Single-Family Districts are found in Table 4-4-1.

    TABLE 4-4-1
    Agricultural and Single-Family District Dimensional Requirements

    AG RS-40 RS-30 RS-20 RS-15 RS-12 RS-9 RS-7 RS-5
    Min. Lot Size (ft.) 40,000 40,000 30,000 20,000 15,000 12,000 9,000 7,000 5,000
    Min. Lot Width (ft.)
      Interior Lot 150 150 100 90 80 75 60 50 50
      Corner Lot 150 150 100 100 90 85 75 70 70
    Min. Street Frontage (ft.) 50 50 50 45 45 45 30 30 30
    Min. Street Setback (ft.)a
      Local and Collector—Front 40/65 40/65 40/65 35/60 30/55 30/55 30/55 25/50 20/45
      Local and Collector—Side 40/65 40/65 20/45 20/40 15/40 15/40 15/40 15/40 15/40
      Minor Thoroughfare 45/80 45/80 45/80 40/75 40/75 40/75 40/75 35/70 35/70
      Major Thoroughfare 50/95 50/95 50/95 50/95 50/95 50/95 50/95 45/90 45/90
    Min. Interior Setbacks (ft.)
      Side Yard 15 15 10 10 10 10 5 5 5
      Rear Yard 30 30 30 30 30 30 25 20 15
    Max. Building Height (ft.);sup\sup; 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50
    Max. Building Coverage (% of lot) 30 30 30 30 30 30 35 40 45


    sz;8q le;2q Setback from right-of-way line or property line/setback from street centerline, whichever is greater

    sz;8q le;2q ;sup\sup; No more than three (3) full or partial stories entirely above grade.

    sz;8q le;2q Notes:

    sz;8q le;2q 1 )  A corner lot has two (2) street setbacks. The setback of lower setback category shall be considered the side street. If both streets are of the same setback category, the property owner shall designate the side street for his lot.

    sz;8q le;2q 2 )  A through lot has two (2) street setbacks but no rear setback.

    sz;8q le;2q 3 )  On a corner lot of record, the side street setback may be reduced, if necessary, to yield a buildable width equal to sixty (60) percent of the lot width.

    sz;8q le;2q 4 )  For any lot of record, the street setback and the rear setback may be reduced, if necessary, to yield a buildable depth equal to forty (40) percent of the lot depth. The rear setback shall be reduced first, but not below fifteen (15) feet and the street setback shall not be reduced by greater than ten (10) feet.


    Cluster Development:


    Cluster Option:


    Cluster development may be used in any district which permits single-family uses if the tract is ten (10) acres or more and is served by municipal sanitary sewer.


    Cluster development may be used on tracts smaller than ten acres if street right-of-way in a street or highway corridor pursuant to NCGS 136-66.10 is dedicated and the development will be served by municipal sanitary sewer.


    Cluster development is allowed in WCA and GWA areas of WS-III and WS-IV water supply watersheds under the performance requirement listed in Section 7-1.7(B). If the low density option for any WCA and GWA area is chosen, the total number of lots shall not exceed the number of units allowed for single family detached developments under the low density option as listed in Table 2-1-1.


    Cluster Required: The Technical Review Committee (TRC) may require that cluster development be used if right-of-way dedication is required pursuant to NCGS 136-66.10 or the development lies partially or wholly within a Watershed Critical Area.


    Development Standards: The objective of the cluster option is to place the houses in a development closer together and on smaller lots than would normally be permitted by the zoning district in which the development is located, and to place land which would otherwise have been included in private lots into public dedication or common area.


    When cluster development is employed, all lot size and other dimensional requirements for single-family dwellings are decreased to comply with all requirements of a smaller-lot RS zone.


    The sum of those areas placed into common area as open space, those areas dedicated as public open space in excess of any required dedication for such purposes, and those areas dedicated as street right-of-way pursuant to NCGS 136-66.10 (a) shall not be less than fifteen (15) percent of the total area of the development.


    The maximum number of lots shall be determined as follows:


    Calculate the gross acreage of the tract, excluding any existing street right-of-way;


    Subtract three-fourths (¾) of the area of any drainageway and/or open space required to be dedicated by this Ordinance;


    Multiply by the density factor from Table 4-4-2.

    TABLE 4-4-2

    RS-40 (WCA Tier 2) RS-40 0.20
    RS-40 (WCA TIER 3) RS-40 0.33
    RS-40 RS-20 1.0
    RS-30 RS-15 1.3
    RS-20 RS-12 1.9
    RS-15 RS-9 2.5
    RS-12 RS-7 3.0
    RS-9, RM-5 RS-5 4.0
    RS-7, RM-8 RS-5 5.0
    RM-12, RM-18, RM-26, GO-M, & GO-H RS-5 6.0



    Common areas shall be located within the development to:


    Preserve stands of trees, lakes, steep slopes, historic sites or other significant features;


    Provide common green space in the development for aesthetic purposes and pedestrian use;


    Provide space for common recreation facilities and meeting places;


    Provide buffering from adjacent land uses of higher intensity; or


    Minimize stormwater flow and runoff impacts to receiving waters in WCA and GWA areas.


    Common area for open space shall be of usable dimensions, including a minimum width of twenty-four (24) feet and shall be accessible to all homeowners in the development.


    If approved by the Technical Review Committee, a site may be reserved for a school, church, civic club, public recreation center or public library within the area that would otherwise have been common area.



    Zero Side Setback—See Figure 4-B.


    Zero Side Setback Option: Zero side setback development may be used in any district which permits single-family uses if the development contains ten (10) or more contiguous lots and is served by municipal sanitary sewer.


    Development Standards:


    Setbacks of zero (0) feet are permitted only where the lots on both of the affected lot line are part of a zero (0) side setback development


    A wall and roof maintenance easement (five (5) feet along one-story walls, ten (10) feet along two-story walls) shall be provided on the opposite side of the zero (0) setback lot line.


    Whenever one (1) side setback is zero, the minimum setback on the opposite side of the same lot shall be twice the minimum side setback required by this Ordinance for the zoning district in which the development is located.


    Lots Adjoining Public Open Space—See Figure 4-C.


    Lot Area Reduction Option: Single-family lots with public sewer service which abut dedicated public drainageway and open space may be developed with less than the area required in Table 4-4-1, provided the following requirements are met.



    Development Standards:


    No lot shall be less than sixty (60) percent of the minimum lot area for the zoning district in which it is located, or five thousand (5,000) square feet, whichever is greater.


    Rear setbacks may be reduced to fifteen (15) feet, if the rear property line(s) abut public drainageway and open space areas.


    A note shall be placed on the plat stating: "Lots have been reduced in area in accordance with Section 4-4.1(D), and that all other dimensional requirements of this Ordinance apply."


(Case No. 4-06, 11-16-06)